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Hangzhou Teng Man Technology Co., LTD

Contact:Lu Yan


Add:No.788, Jintang Road, Jiangnan Town, Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

How often does the new motorcycle often change the clutch plate at half-clutch? (superior)

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How often does the new motorcycle often change the clutch plate at half-clutch?

This question is very interesting. Since the subject knows that half-clutching is easy to damage the clutch disc, why do you need to operate it so often? Therefore, if you know the bad consequences, you must correct it in advance, and you should not prepare for repairs in advance.

However, the semi-clutch of a motorcycle is also divided into normal operation and unconventional operation.

The so-called half-clutching of motorcycles refers to keeping the clutch at a fixed point and not letting go, and restricting the power transmission of the engine to this joint point in order to achieve the required operation purpose.

In some special conditions, the semi-clutch can achieve some of the goals required during the riding process, such as starting a vehicle and driving slowly on a congested road.

The above operations can basically be called normal semi-clutch operations. The damage to the friction plate can basically be ignored. This is mainly because in this operating state, the throttle is basically closed, and the engine's The speed will be relatively low, and the operation time will not be long, so the damage to the friction plate will be relatively small.

However, if you start violently, the friction plate will be easily damaged by the half-clutch in the high throttle state. In this state, the friction plate will definitely not last long, and excessive wear will occur. Therefore, the clutch slippage will occur in the later stage, and even sometimes There is no power output.

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Add:No.788, Jintang Road, Jiangnan Town, Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province


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